52-week Plan To Save a whole year’s worth of food about $250

How To Create A Supplemental Food Supply In One Year for $5 per Week

With a supermarket or convenience store on every corner, it’s easy to forget about the importance of creating a supplemental food supply. It only takes one natural disaster, weather phenomena, or border breach, or military strike to shut down our infrastructure–and our supply to readily available food.

But if you plan ahead, take precautions, and prepare now, you won’t get caught in grocery store raids and street riots. Having your own food supply could be the difference to keep you and your family alive. This supplemental storage plan is sufficient to sustain two people for an entire year.

The following plan can work one of two ways: (1) if you have the resources, you can go out and purchase the full list of items (totals are at the bottom of the page) for around $260 or (2) each week, for about $5 added to your normal grocery bill, you purchase the item and quantities listed.

Now, a few words from the wise:

  • Date everything. The key to keeping a good food supply is rotating out old ingredients as you use them and restocking them with new ones.
  • This is enough for two people at an added cost of $5 per week to your normal food spending. If you are a family of four, your added weekly cost will be $10. Plan on spending $5 per 2 people in your household per week because you will be purchasing double the suggested quantities, for example.
  • Some weeks you will have leftover change; save it and use it for weeks where you might exceed the $5 limit for your items


Week 1: 6 lbs. salt
Week 2: 5 cans cream of chicken soup
Week 3: 20 lbs. of sugar
Week 4: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 5: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 6: 6 lbs. macaroni
Week 7: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 8: 8 cans tuna
Week 9: 6 lbs. yeast
Week 10: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 11: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 12: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 13: 10 lbs. powdered milk
Week 14: 7 boxes macaroni and cheese
Week 15: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 16: 5 cans cream of chicken soup
Week 17: 1 bottle 500 multi-vitamins
Week 18: 10 lbs. powdered milk
Week 19: 5 cans cream mushroom soup
Week 20: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 21: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 22: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 23: 8 cans tuna
Week 24: 6 lbs. shortening
Week 25: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 26:  5 lbs. honey
Week 27: 10 lbs. powdered milk
Week 28: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 29: 5 lbs. peanut butter
Week 30: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 31: 7 boxes macaroni and cheese
Week 32: 10 lbs. powdered milk
Week 33: 1 bottle 500 aspirin
Week 34: 5 cans cream of mushroom soup
Week 35: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 36: 7 boxes macaroni and cheese
Week 37: 6 lbs. salt
Week 38: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 39: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 40: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 41: 5 cans cream chicken soup
Week 42: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 43: 1 bottle 500 multi-vitamins
Week 44: 8 cans tuna
Week 45: 50 lbs. wheat
Week 46: 6 lbs. macaroni
Week 47: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 48: 5 cans cream mushroom soup
Week 49: 5 lbs. honey
Week 50: 20 lbs. sugar
Week 51: 8 cans tomato soup
Week 52: 50 lbs. wheat

You will end up with:
500 pounds of wheat
180 pounds of sugar
40 pounds of powdered milk
12 pounds of salt
10 pounds of honey
5 pounds peanut butter
40 cans of tomato soup
15 cans of cream of mushroom soup
15 cans of cream of chicken soup
24 cans of tuna
21 boxes of macaroni and cheese
500 aspirin
1000 multi-vitamins
6 pounds of yeast
6 pounds of shortening
12 pounds of macaroni


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