The COOLEST Solar Shower EVER!

Take Outdoor Showering To A Whole New Level

with this thermosiphon passive solar heating shower.

There are two types of passive solar heating: storage tank that collects heat directly from the sun or a heater which uses convection, known as a thermosiphon, to heat the water tank. Thermosiphons use a solar water heather panel to collect heat from the sun and sending water upward into an insulated water tank. Check out the diagram below that shows how they work:

This stunning shower is at Channel Rock, a conservation and permaculture ecoVillage retreat in Canada. center on Cortes Island in Canada. You can see the solar panel on left of the shower in the photos. The water tank is housed behind the “shower wall”. The water tank, which is heated by a solar panel on the left, is in the shingled tower behind the wattle shower cubicle.

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