by Todd Walker
Photo credit: Casey Deming,
On the heels of my ax-work class at the Georgia Bushcraft Spring Gathering, I wanted to cover some of the health risks of swinging a tree deft. It’s our job to mitigate some of the risk. Even then, collisions happen.
At the Gathering, my friend, Karl, shared a recent ax injure he incurred when his ax glanced from the lumber he was splitting. He graciously, or not so loving if you have a poor stomach, allowed me to share his injure now for educational purposes.
********* Forewarn: GRAPHIC PHOTOS OF BLOOD AND A OPENED FOOT **********
The ax glanced and impressed Karl on the highest level of his left foot severing one bone completely and halfway through the second largest bone.
The two bones circled took the brunt of the blow.
A horrible ax gash.
Shoes, even leather boots, aren’t much of a discouraging to a sharp-worded ax.
Stitched and cleaned up.
The photos above make it crystal clear how risky a moving ax is to be able to. Nonetheless , not all injuries to wood helicopters come from the business expiration of the ax convene flesh, or from indifference. Trees don’t ever collaborate. They’re known to drop dead appendages on gullible casualties below. Trees and axes are not to blamed. They do what they do without malice or remorse.
Taking an ax to the woods with the specific objectives of chopping is serious business. 99% of my ax work is done alone in the timbers. Even though I try to employ best-practices, the dangers of becoming a martyr is always in the forefront of my judgment. I’m no expert and my ax-related admonition should not be trusted but checked through experience.
5 Deadly Sins of Ax-Work
Vernon Law is ascribed with saying,” Experience is a hard teach because she renders the test firstly, the lesson subsequently .”
We can never eliminate all the dangers of fluctuating an ax. We can only lessened the severity of missing the mark through commonsense risk management. The good story is … true-life sorrow will change your wars, and, hopefully, save you from the sorenes of these pain mistakes.
1.) Arrogance
” Exclusively the repentant serviceman shall surpass .”~ Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
The toughest woodsman is no accord for tonnes of wood hurtling to the forest flooring. Even a wrist-size wing coming from 50 feet above can suppress a shoulder or skull. While toughness is a punishment goodnes, be humble. The instant an axman approaches his work with supremacy and a been-there-done-that attitude is the moment he gets blindsided.
There’s a fine string between trust and arrogance. Self-confident ax sciences arouse. Arrogance will get you hurt or killed. This holds true more so for seasoned axmen than beginners, and, in my own experience, gentlemen over women.
2.) Intrigues and Hang Ups
Any obstruction in the ax shaking arcs must be cleared before occupation begins. Check overhead for nearby extremities and vines which may snag and avoid an ax in mid swinging. I’m obsessive about removing the smallest sprig when standing on top of records to buck. I figure if I’m fluctuating inside my frontal zone( described below) inches from my paws, I can’t afford a motion to veer.
A screen shot from a recent video of an overhead limb which snagged my ax.
Fell fairly trees and you’ll have one hang up mid-fall. My first strategy, if the tree backside didn’t liberation from the hinge, was an attempt free it from the stump. Some experiences the impact on the sand will jar the hang up loose. If not, I’ve had some success moving the backside of the tree downward exploiting a long lever spar. Place the lever for the purposes of the butt end and raising frequently to slip the tree butt downwards until it releases.
A safer and little tireless room is to use a come-along attached to an anchor behind the tree stump. Without a modern come-along, a powerful winch can be made from two records and a rope/ cable. Ratchet the tree butt until it liberates. You may be allured to cut the insult tree which justification the hang up. This is a high-risk endeavor. Be sure to have all your medical/ life insurance up to date. You and/ or your enduring family is very likely need it.
One hazard I hope to never encounter again was the yellowish casing sting between my seeings on my downward stroking in the video below. You’re simply defense is to run like you stole something!
3.) No Outlet Strategy
When felling trees with an ax or visualize, readying two or three flee roads is shrewd. When the tree begins its reasonable, get out of Dodge on a pre-determined move. The safest exit is at 30 degree directions from the back notch of the tree. Lean your back against the tree and provide your limbs like you’re about to give your mama a grip. Your appendages are drawn attention to the very best flee roads. Next safest is in a line antonym of the direction of precipitate. If this path is choice, or the only option, put great distance between you and the stump to prevent a kickback from nailing your form to the ground.
Escaping vertical to the line of fall increases the risk of being been hit by precipitating wings from adjacent trees. I’ve witnessed trees “jump” and flatten several paws to the side of the stump hinge by contacting contiguous tree extremities during the descent. Another overlooked threat is a dead spot halfway up the tree which interrupts and descends back towards the woodsman as the bottom half comes in the direction of its position. Be vigilant, descent your ax, and sprint for your life.
Fortunately this log snapped halfway up and descended sideways from where I was standing.
4.) Infringing the Frontal Zone
There are two basic ax wavers: lateral and horizontal. Certain specifications should be followed for each waver. Make a look at the diagram below to better understand your frontal zone.
Adapted from The Ax Book
In The Ax Book, which I recommend you devour until the sheets are dog-eared, Dudley Cook describes the frontal zone as two parallel courses rolling along side the outside shapes of your feet when chopping. All lateral moves should be outside the parallel ways, ever. The inertia of an ax in full, extended-arm fluctuating only stops when acted upon by an external push. The ax top has a stopping point, and that stage could be your form if you disdain the frontal zone guidelines.
There are two relatively ” safe” strokings one can offset within the frontal zone: a .) backed up, and b .) bucking. The backed up stroke is what beginning choppers are most familiar- splitting timber on a chopping block. The solid chopping block offers a backstop for the moving ax. Of route, as in Karl’s case above, there remains inherit jeopardies. Watch our video below to increase some refuge gratuities for splitting firewood, the most frequent ax-work of campers and homesteaders.
Bucking is simply scattering a log into lengths. The diameter of the log to be bucked ascertains my technique. Larger diameter records( 12+ inch range) allow me to stand on top to trimmed two V notches. Moves are always below my feet. If I miss my intended target below my paws, my person is out of sufferings way.
I stand on the foot to buck smaller diameter records. The log itself is my back up. Accuracy is critical at the upper part of the bucked notch when your paws are on the floor. Even though the enter is between you and your legs, miss the upper part of the notch and you now have a non-backed up swing in the frontal zone … and a really bad ending.
Another video of ours demo the importance of accuracy on the top of notch strokes when bucking on the ground…
A third stroking in the frontal zone, which I’ll mention, but do not recommend, is the most dangerous and excellent be carried out with a eye. Status arise where a high limb needs to be removed. My risk management strategy is to choke up on my ax manage with one pas and strike the wing at a 45 degree direction without totally severing the extremity. A few lighter followup jolts usually disconnects the extremity. My forward paw gives me more breaking capability as the ax follows through.
5.) Washed in the Blood
” All bleeding eventually stops. The invite is stopping blood loss before the give runs out .”
~ Mark DeJong, Off Grid Medic
Injuries related to axes and trees can be deadly. A first assist kit should be in close proximity to your work locality. One piece which you should consider carrying on your person is a tourniquet. If a cataclysmic ax weave appears where sever bleed will result in fatality, this is your only option to see your family again. Practice implement this device on your own mas before you actually need it.
A personalized first expedite gear will discuss the most frequent hurts such as rubs, humps, sores, and bruises. I carry sizable infertile covers, gauze rotations, and Band-Aids. My tourniquet fits in my payload pocket of my kilt or breathes. A few other items I include in my ziplock firstly aid handbag are 😛 TAGEND
Acetaminophen for ache Wound prepare Tweezers and needle- primarily for ticking removal, ugh Aspirin, proven to assist in heart attack medicine Diphenhydramine( Benadryl) for stinging/ nip insects- plantain isn’t always available in the lumbers and I don’t react well to stingings This ziplock first facilitated package trips in my haversack along with other kit components for core temperature restrict and comfort- more info on these pieces can be found now
6.) Losing Your Head
A abrupt gob of steel piloting freely through seat is a shocking perception … if you happen to recognize it. It’s like shooting an arrow straight overhead and wondering where it will stay. Ax tops dedicate an bountiful alert to observant axmen. A insignificant spread emerges where the ax seeing was seated on the control. Continuing work with this modest slippage is full of threats. Stop, re-seat the head, and pound a metal stair wedge into the top of the manage. My working axes aren’t pretty, but they are tightly fit cutting tools.
Don’t lose your intelligence! Make great care to keep your ax sharp-witted and securely attached to the handle.
If you’re even slightly tempted by any of these deadly sins, put your ax down before you meet your Maker.
Keep Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance,
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