1984 is Here

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal.

I was skiing with a group of friends in January of 1984 at Mammoth Mountain, and on that Sunday we cease early going to go to the hired condo to watch Super Bowl XVIII, it was January 22, 1984. While I could look up who toy that time it was lost on us because, all of us being brand-new designers and budding scientists, we interpreted the famed Apple Launch Commercial- Apple 1984. You could hear a pin drop as we watched this and then tried to analyze it. Six single guys in their 20′ s do not often have such moments of stillnes and deep thought when sucking beer after skiing while watching a Super Bowl.

From a recent commodity in the Los Angeles Times” As we reported in 2014, on its 30 th commemoration, the “1984” ad aired on national television in its full 60 -second form only once, during Super Bowl XVIII on Jan. 22, 1984. It became a legend almost immediately .”

So what does this is therefore necessary to do with preparedness and prepping? Everything.

I was long a fan of George Orwell and of Ann Ryan. I considered them utopians in the truest appreciation of the word. The latter I find often rejected as” some story columnist of the 1950′ s” by progressive college profs I still know- the flack is always heaviest over the target. I get a similar attitude whenever I ask how requiring an ID to vote is racist- its consideration of the item for another day.

We have all been picturing the move of late to get some limit over” big tech” which seems to run open-loop with few if any assures with respect to privacy, management of folks personal data and corporate responsibility. The laughable one of the purposes of all of this is it is our government in Washington D.C. that is looking into this, demonstrating once again that the foxes monitoring the security of the hen house is at our jeopardy. Can you think of a more corrupted, less ability entity to address this problem? Yeah, I know, that is authorities position, but do we really thing our current authority can make this better? Does anyone expect the donor-owned to stand up to the donor class?

And our dependence on these tech whales can’t be denied. In one way or another we all use them to abide connected to pals and business associates, shop for criticals as well as nice to have things, provide us instant answers to questions, seldom inspecting behind the results presented, or the over-all sources of the data presented. I have complained often that any Google search of political topics gives me the first page rules- Vox, Salon, CNN, the NY Times and of course, the Amazon owned Washington Post. All media outlets slanted to the standards of Google.

So in today’s word comes this- Apple’s Orwellian Technology– did you know that you are surveilled by Apple’s facial recognition engineering when opening their stores? In an extension to( or perhaps as the original intention of) the A11 chip and the neural instrument behind the face-detection system, FACE ID of the iPhoneX became an advertised piece- Apple’s “use of facial acknowledgment software in its supermarkets to move individuals suspected of crime is the type of Orwellian surveillance that consumers panic, particularly as it can be assumed that the majority of consumers are not recognizing also that their faces are privately being analyzed, ” the lawsuit states.

As preppers we are planners and we like to keep our plans to ourselves, our families and our trusted friends and associates. I have had iPods since their preamble and I use my iPad every day- all bought in their supermarkets. I have given both as knacks, again bought in their stores. I have not been in one of their collects since the iPhoneX liberate and I may perform that a rule move forwards, but this is just one channel.

Who among you has Siri, Alexa or Cortana operating in their homes or on their work computers? They can oblige things easy, but at what costs to your privacy?

After admittedly fallen behind Siri and Alexa in market penetration( a repeat of the Zoom vs the iPod from a few decades ago) Microsoft identify a more omnipresent future for Cortana, being a part of the Microsoft 365 Operating environment. As such it will be omnipresent in computers. I have it on this one, disabled- as far as I can tell. I did do a speedy questionnaire of six( 6) beings I know who are IT professional staff and none of them has any of these assistants in their homes.

We have posted on data security and shortening ones digital fingerprint in the past here on The Prepper Journal, How to Obliterate Yourself off the Grid for example, as well as How to Remain Anonymous On Line and these addressed your wars. Nonetheless, with this latest advance in the invasion of your privacy, other than becoming a Luddite and loner, you are under the ever-growing eye of Big Brother. Is it actually a big leap forwards if your were to be arrested for international crimes like defending yourself or you clas for the interrogator to now recruit the apartment with armfuls of evidence of your every move over the past 6 months?

Always be place aware is a good mantra for our changes and something we stress often at The Prepper Journal, but is it fairly anymore? The Apple security up-tick was news to me, in fact while browsing in a plaza last week for some Easter basket knack I stopped in front of the Apple store and gazed in is how hectic they were, meet the affiliates were wearing dark-green and grey. I gazed in that window for a couple of moments, just as one would who was scheduling a break in would. Not to worry, I am sure I am in countless other databases I am unaware of previously, we all are.

BTW, WalMart abuses similar engineering in their security system. Does this indicate a keep going Guy Fawkes disguises in the near future or has he become passe?

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The post 1984 is Now seemed first on The Prepper Journal.

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