If Only….

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal.

If simply we had to deal with such a problem….we all hope to have this trouble BUT it does producing stuffs one must be prepared to deal with to survive.

How to Survive Winning the Lottery

So, you hamper a triumph ticket in your hand, and the disturbance has yet to set in. What next?

Winning the gamble is one of the best happens that can happen to you, but only if you do it right. Just take a moment to suspect life after earning millions. Your name would be available to the public, and you may have to make a press appearance or two. Even if you don’t, most of the people around you will know you triumphed. You’re an instant fame, and your life is now open and public. As a prepper, likely live a instead private and secluded life, a lot will change.

Of course, the next question is what to do with the earnings? What is the best way to invest so much money, peculiarly when it comes to prepping for future contests? Should you trust a bank? Should you hold onto cash yourself? Are there better ways to invest, or is that something you should stay away from absolutely?

More importantly, where do you go from here?

Consider Your Anonymity

After realizing you triumphed, but before turning in your ticket, there is something you should consider. Most state lotteries ask champions to claim their earnings publicly. However, a handful of states stand winners to remain anonymous if they so choose. Those states include Delaware, Kansas, Maryland, Ohio, North Dakota and South Carolina. Arizona, Georgia, Texas and New Hampshire likewise permit some structure of anonymity.

If you live in one of the above-mentioned regimes, then you can decide whether or not to go public about your triumph. But if you live in another state — California and Wisconsin prohibit anonymity wholly — you will have to claim your winning in front of everyone.

Even if the alternative is not available, this is something to consider before turning in a ticket. Understand how your life may change after being put forward, and what that means for your prepping journey.

Hire Some Help

Unless you’re previously a millionaire with a relied circle of consultants, you’re going to need some. As soon as you are able to, look into hiring an lawyer, financial consultant and an auditor. The lawyer will deal with escrow, law and public liaisons. The financial consultant will help invest and safely store your coin. The auditor will help with a brand-new budget as well as tax and IRS requirements.

No matter what you plan to do with the money, enrolling help is one of the best thoughts you can do to ease any stress or additional burdens you might incur. Plus, it’s rare that beings genuinely know how to handle that much money. That’s why 70% of beings who receive a big sum of money end up broke a few years after.

Know Your Plan

Preppers ever anticipate onward, which means you probably have a five or ten-year plan in motion. Follow that program, precisely fasted it up a little thanks to all the new stores. If you were planning to acquire some property or a home in the next few years, get it now. If you planned to outfit your existing dimension with a bugout awning and equips, push up the timeline.

The best part of prepping is that you’re ever ready for what’s coming next. It’s likely you already have everything in place to survive as-is, so you technically don’t need much more.

Sticking to your contrive, despite the money, will not just keep you on track, but it will also impede you alive if something does happen in the middle of all this.

Where to Keep Your Money

With that much money, there’s no need to keep it all in one place, but you don’t want to trust the banks to hold onto it either. In an emergency situation, everyone is also aware that the banks will be one of the first places to be punched , not only by felons and thieves but by all kinds of panicking beings very. And anything in a bank is within easy reach of the government

It’s safer to have the money set aside already. So, where do you keep it?

Cryptocurrency is popular these days, but it’s not a good impression as far as prepping is concerned. If and when the grid goes down it’s mostly useless — as are most paper currencies including federal bonds and cash.

The best acces to invest the money as a prepper would be to roll it into your real estate properties or dimension, hide away some cash just in case, or purchase rare earth. If not metals than trade goods and affords that you can use to barter where the corporation is applicable to hell.

As for concealing places for the cash, the self-evident target would be somewhere in your bugout awning. At the least, make sure it’s close enough to your departure that you can grab it quickly on the way out. The last situation you want to do is forget any cash or valuables you have accumulated because you’re in a hurry. You’ll need them to barter.

Watch Out for Greed

Money does some weird things to parties, especially big raffle sums. Family, friends and acquaintances might come calling, asking for money they didn’t earn. Strangers might show up on your doorstep sidestepping for charity. Others still might disguise malevolent planned, like targeting you with a lawsuit.

Unfortunately, all of these things come with the territory. You need to understand that it will happen and you need to be prepared. Learn to say “no, ” peculiarly when it’s about something you don’t want to do. Exclusively give away or share what you’re indeed willing to lose. Do your best to hunker down, especially during the weeks after acquiring, and stay away from the public world for a while. If you’re lucky, most people will forget what happened.

This is also where having a plan in place helps. If you know how you plan to spend and invest your coin in advance, you are in a better position to turn away others or deny offers.

Take it in Stride

Winning the gamble doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your old-time way of life. It will change some things, sure, but if you play your cards right you won’t live any differently, and that’s a good thing.

For starters, stick with your prepping means, including those you had for a buying asset or installing a shelter and then outfitting it with supplyings. The huge component about having more coin is that you can speed up the entire process and even lent some additional here and there.

Hire some assistant as quickly as possible. You’ll need an accountant and attorney at the very least, but a business consultant is also a safe bet as long as YOU, and not them, retain full and singular dominate of implementation of expenditures.

Finally, try to invest or devote the money on events that would hamper valuable after a disaster or disaster. A scarcely cash is okay, but you don’t want to keep all your currency in money and you certainly don’t want to store it at a bank.

If you do these stuffs, you should be well on your route to existing a major lottery triumph!

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