Mobility vs Armored: Which is Better?

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal.

Survival is more of an prowes than a science and there are as numerous rulings on the “right” way to get it on as the authorities have preppers. While everyone isn’t specific they have the final rebuttal, the truth is , no one certainly knows because the showdown, holocaust, scourge, SHTF, cataclysm, die of America, whatever you want to call it, hasn’t happened yet. Since it hasn’t happened yet, and reliable oracles are few and far between, “theres no way” of knowing what kind of situation you’ll find yourself in when it arrives.

If history has taught us anything it is that the earliest ones to recognize the coming change is likely to be scorned and berated by the masses, and persecuted by those used to generate the coming changes. It will be subtle, covert and matter of fact as the twisting is set into motion. A contravention now used to quell the first flash points by complicit and collaborative judgement by the 5th estate, supported by the social media infrastructure we see as more compassionate that would George Orwell. History abounds with such grant impressions, the sheep in denial until slaughter is inescapable. The government of Venezuela has been killing its citizens for months, do you be understood that on the news or do you visualize the latest tweet from some troll elected to Congress by a disconnected throng?

Since we all like planning for trips and trying to get the best travel negotiates so should we too be trying to plan ahead for the long term when it all becomes south. That means you need to consider which alternative is better for you and their own families. Should you hunker down in an armored bunker and ride out the commotion? Or, should you opt to be mobile so you can stay one step ahead of the cyclone?( taking into consideration the lessons of the Golden Horde, of course .)

Armor Up

If you’ve ever been in the military you might be familiar with the saying among barrel gangs about scratching each other’s backs. This happened a good deal in Vietnam, where a VC would wait until a tank came right up close to them. When it was close enough they would jump up on the cistern and try to stuff a grenade or something down the hatches. They were locked of course; after all, what good is armor if you leave the door open?

Then a second tank would radio in that they were going to scratch the back of the first cistern with the VC on it. The second tank would hose down the first tank with machine gun fire until all the opponents were gone. They knew the gang inside the first tank was safe behind all that armor so they could fire away.

Is that your goal?

A heavily armored bunker delve deep in the anchor with limited access in or out, is a tough nut to crack. When the balloon goes up you’ll be safe and sound behind steel and concrete walls while the world rips itself apart outside. This is an extremely good option if the outside world is engaged in a conflict of all against all. Widespread guerrilla warfare, chiefly dependent on small arms, doesn’t generally include the use of the kind of heavy-duty explosives that could breach an armored bunker.

Properly constructed and camouflaged, your bunker might not even be noticed during that type of conflict. Once all the ponderous campaign is over or has moved out of your neighbourhood, you can emerge with all your own firepower intact and ready for action.

Staying Mobile

But what if a situation develops where two large antagonists are fighting it out with heavy artillery and bunker buster bombards, extending after anyone who won’t declare for their surface? In a contingency like that, you might want to get out of Dodge. That means you need to stay mobile.

Wherever the fighting is, you need to be somewhere else. If you’re in a jeep or truck of some kind you’ll have to sleep in a tent or portable protect at night. If you’re running in an RV, then you’ll be sleeping in your RV when you have the chance.

An RV is certainly an enticing selection because it has so much storage room inside and acts as a dwelling away from home when you’re on the road. It is also clearly a civil vehicle, one of the millions on the road, which allows you to perhaps secrete in plain sight, lost in the crowd. Any military form vehicle will choose unwanted attending but an RV, private vehicles of select for aging( and “harmless”) snowbirds, will have a much greater chance of letting you fly under the radar.

Now driving one while armed to the teeth, decked out head-to-toe in camo and wearing your body armor might constitute yo boil to the top of the “harmless” populace, but having all those parts at the ready renders a measure of confidence, and preparedness that, as preppers, render us some comfort.

Staying Healthy in the Apocalypse

Weapons, armor, and mobility digression, you need to stay health although the world around you is eating itself. Water first, a well-stocked medical board and first aid supplies is next, of course. After that, you need to ensure your and your family have a balanced diet, enough to last for several months during the initial strife, then a good supply of grains to grow your own food after that.

And son’t forget the value of sleep. Sleep deprivation is a well-known tactic for wearing down captives. Don’t do that to yourself with primitive sleeping quarters or rotten mattresses that kill your back. When it comes to survival, you need to be bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and bring back a sense of balance to a life that has gone crazy.

Be Safe out there and be sure to check out The Prepper Journal Store and follow The Prepper Journal on Facebook !

The post Mobility vs Armored: Which is Better ? seemed first on The Prepper Journal.

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