The Mental Health Benefits of High Concentration Sports

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal.

As you know The Prepper Journal often doesn’t republish previously published commodities, but every so often we come across some that truly add value to our partisans and warrant further showing. And with the “internet” being like the universe, ever expanding in all directions, some priceless material can easily be missed. While the focus here is the United Kingdom, person 65,000, 000 it is simple to project the statistics on the United Position, person 327,000, 000.

So, thanks to permission from the Team at Target Crazy, I am sharing their section on The Mental Health Benefits of High Concentration Sports herein. While it focuses on archery it can be applied to any of the shooting boasts as well as others, golf and billiards spring to mind, as does chess.

If there’s one topic which appears regularly in the media at the moment, it’s mental health. It might be celebrities coming clean-living about their previous obscured mental health problems, or journalists and pressure groups highlighting the chronic under-funding of our health services over the last few years.

I often envisage … is this epidemic a by-product of modern western living?

Perhaps a result of financial abundance and the affect and interference of technology such as social media. Mental health issues issues seem less rife than say fifty years ago among previous generations. Are they even realized at all in the developing world?

Data reveals that mental health problems are definitely on the increase and here are some enlightening statistics 😛 TAGEND

1 in 6 have issues

NHS Digital reveal that at any given time, one sixth of the UK population between the ages of six and sixty-four have a mental health problem

6, 000 suicides/ year

There are about six thousand suicides per year in the UK, the highest proportion of these people are male, accounting for three quarterss of this figure. And it is the biggest killer of men up to the age of forty-nine discloses the Office for National Statistics “whos had” regulate of the data gathered from the enrollments of deaths in the UK

1 in 5 Brides, 1 in 8 Men

Women are more commonly affected than husbands with one in five women reporting a mental health issue compared to one in eight among the male population, these figures come from NHS Digital and their Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey in 2014.

75% feigned before senility 24

The majority of mental health problems begin in childhood or early adulthood, with three fourths of troubles established by the age of twenty-four, the Mental Health Taskforce revealed in 2016. Young beings do seem to be particularly susceptible.

Services are underfunded…

A whopping 23% of NHS activity is taken up with mental health publishes but the corresponding funding is only 11%.( The Kings Fund 2015)

Medicine implementation is growing…

The number of remedies gave for mental health relevant states and afflictions such as depression and panic attack, has more than double-faced in the last ten years; this data comes from an NHS Prescription Survey over the decade 2006 -2 016. These statistics may be tempered moderately by the growing evidence that anti-depressants are a more effective way to treat some of these conditions, hence patients tend to be prescribed these remedies for a longer period of time.

How High Concentration Sports Can Help

The situation in the UK with regard to mental health is quite closely reflected in the US so apart from investing more coin in diagnosis and treatment assistances, was something that individual people can do to help themselves?

As Prince Harry said quite recently, “everyone no matter who they are has physical state and mental health“.

Physical activity and boast has a huge part to play in promoting and sustaining good mental health but surely it is not as simple as saying,’ go for a range, it will take your imagination off things’? Sport in general is very much in vogue at the moment , not just for the evident physical health benefits but for the well documented effect that physical activity can have on the spirit.

This is because when we exercise, the ability liberations particular substances which can help with mood and alleviate concerns such as anxiety and dimple, even though it is merely for defined periods. And of course collective boast, where we engage with other parties whether as a group or in a team, also promotes our mental health as it volunteers interaction with others, fundamental for a healthy mind and outlook.

If sport is beneficial therefore to the state of our imagination, surely high concentration sports must be the best elixir for those struggling with mental health editions?

The four key mental factors in sport are considered to be 😛 TAGEND

Concentration Confidence Control Commitment

The demand for concentration varies with the play and is divided among three categories 😛 TAGEND

Sustained concentration- are related to athletics with an perseverance constituent such as long distance guiding, cycling marathons or tennis parallels Short burst absorption- evident in golf and cricket and short sprint arena happens Intense absorption- sprinting, bobsleigh, target archery, arrows, skeet or clay shooting

Negative excitements such as anxiety, fury or recession can impact the ability to concentrate so is this not a chicken and egg scenario?

Learning skills to concentrate intensely for short periods of time are fundamental to sporting success and can also have proven helps for those who are struggling with mental health publications, ergo high concentration athletics can be an excellent mechanism to help support mental health in a whole stray of people. Whether it is supportive to existing conditions or to some degree preventative.

This is because the amount of focus compelled trains the mentality to concentrate on the here and now, to ignore negative self-talk and incredulity by utilize positive self-talk. Employing programmes such as’ parking’ procedures to temporarily remove unhelpful thoughts and ardours and put them to one side for a defined period of time.

Focusing on the here and now and remembering your negative emotions is key to boasting success

From this, it is easy to understand why all these techniques used by successful jocks in high concentration plays, can have a positive effect on almost anyone.

Archery and Other Target Sports

Archery as a target play requires high concentrations of concentration and offers to the individual perhaps not such an self-evident interest and that is one of self-discovery and self-truth, in fact a artery to mindfulness and internal peace.

Mindfulnessis a deepened state of self-awareness, a mode of slowing down the moment and focusing only on that point in time, developing late levels of consciousness, of how the body feels rather than by being solely driven by the constant jumble of thoughts and excitements in our premiers. Becoming more aware of immediate physical awareness and our environment allows us to understand and process our mental commerce; it’s not about altering it but more the ability to disassociate ourselves from it and see it for what it is which is something that does not need to govern and characterize our lives.

The Japanese who have not picked up a prow in exasperation for centuries( Journalists Note: I challenge the following statement) implementation archery, the’ Way of the Bow’ or Kyudo as a mechanism to provide focus and self-discipline. Kyudo has strong links with the teachings of both Shinto and Zen, supporting a whole mas and holistic experience of focus and concentration- whole torso restrain means that the thought is also completely focused; Kyudo is sometimes referred to as’ reputation Zen’ because of the total immersion that is required in the technique.

How You Benefit

Archery necessitates significant mental input from the archer but this high level of absorption likewise is rising and develops many other departments and feelings and some among these include 😛 TAGEND

Focus and concentration- mindfulness Motivation Self-efficacy Patience

This can lead onto the following, positive lifestyle evolutions 😛 TAGEND

Improved sleep Reduced levels of stress and feeling Sharpen brain and mental modules including storage A abating of nervousnes Increasing brain capacity and power including problem solving skills

Other welfares may include 😛 TAGEND

Enjoying the great outdoors Aesthetic acknowledgment New ordeals New friendships and social engagement with real beings rather than the virtual world Improved self-esteem Prevention of hollow- really one hour’s exercise a week can help manage existing dip and help guard against future contests through the physical act and booking with others Relaxation Fun and relish Healthy race Equality of participation, a grade playing field for those who may be marginalised for example, due to physical disability Co-operation, cooperation and leadership sciences Improved social abilities through changes in brain function due to mental training and focus


Target archery is an all inclusive sport so can be enjoyed by offsprings, older people and the less than physically able. There is a level and involvement for everyone. But don’t let me wax lyrical about how all-inclusive a sport archer is, encounter Martin Douglas who suffers from Asperges Syndrome and tell him tell you how archery has helped him deal with this condition and how in fact, mild autism has attained him a better archer.

Mel Clarke, originally from Norfolk and now living in Worcestershire, is just one example of how disability is no bar to participation in archery. A onetime European Champ in 2002, Mel was the first incapacitated archer in Europe to make it onto the capable bodied team a year later in 2003. Mel has since gone on to compete at the World Championships and the Olympics with substantial medal success of different colors.

Participation in archery is possible with all types of disabilities and ailments and perhaps the most difficult one can imagine, being blind, is also no prohibit to involvement as there is a thriving organisation called British Blind Sport which promotes archery among many other self-disciplines. Visually impaired archers use what is described as a tactile spate to help them take aim in case you are wondering.

Archery has a place for all age groups from the young to the elderly and includes a entire compas of archers in between including those with disabilities as well who compete on a tier athletic field with their fellow archers- it is one of the most all-inclusive sports.

More Than Just the Mind

So is target archery genuinely a physical play?

If it is possible for the young, the old and the less physically able to participate in it, does target archery offer any physical benefit to the participant?

Yes it does.

The connection between mind and torso aid has already been discussed but target archery does proposal countless exclusively physical interests including 😛 TAGEND

The development of upper body strength through the shoulders, dresser and weapons Hand co-ordination and control Balance and co-ordination Flexibility Core fortitude and strength Calorie igniting Weight loss and enhanced body chassis and posture Improved feeling and well being from endorphin liberation

Target archery is a year round sport which promotes the benefits of the great outdoors and the friendship and camaraderie of others before you even promote a bow to take a shot.

The average 35 year old female can sunburn 144 calories per hour target shooting and “thats really not” within a chase home which clearly offers even more potential for calorie consumption with the hike to and from the target destination across diversifying and perhaps challenging area. And don’t forget, the value of your arc and bundle and, the intensity required for mental focus and concentration either when you take a shot.

Target archery and bow hunting is a sport that is hard to beat in terms of what it can offer the participant- stated mental health benefits, physical exercise and the friendship and friendship of other archers, with spate of healthy competition to boot. Inclusive to all types of people and set in the great outdoors, you will be hard pulped to find a boast that can offer as much to the individual, sustaining good mental health issues being time one among many of the key benefits.

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