Mess Kit Philosophy

When it comes to backpacking the most important thing is using gear that you enjoy and know how to use. From my experience in minimalistic camping and bushcrafting, I have found that bucket style mess equipment, or as our English friends call them,” Billy cans” seem to work the best compared to the traditional boyscout or USGI mess kit for minimalistic camping.

By all means, it is best to use what you like and know how to use, but here are some reasons why I have fall in love with the container systems.

When we look at many of the true survivors in the world, the primitives and refugees ascertained from around the world, we be understood that the cook bowl is primordial to survival. The Billy Can system gives all the abilities of the cook pan in a abbreviated version offering, what I feel as, more advantages than that of the smaller capability BSA style mess kits.

Here in the North groves, for more than half the year, spray is unavailable except through means of melting ice or snow. The container arrangement earmarks more frost and snow to be defrosted than the shallow washes and pots of the traditional BSA style mess packs. This makes acquiring an essential resource to our existence much easier. Not merely for snowfall and sparkler, but for the collect and evaporating of any amount of ocean for drinking purposes.

Once, while debating certain advantages of the Billy Can systems, someone retorted with” Yes, but you cannot fry a fish in a pail !” My first thought about this was mostly a knee jerk reaction. Of route, you can’t fry a fish, if exclusively I could do that! But after the initial stupor of the relevant recommendations elapsed and some thinking on it, certain advantages of the pail organization became obvious once more. While bucket systems don’t give much to frying, how often do you have butter while in the bush to grease the pan to begin with, impeding sticking and a loss of vital nutrients?

Secondly, the bucket structure gives to the essence of what dining in a survival place is about: peak nutrient uptake. Through the method of frying nutrients, countless nutrients are lost through the car-mechanics of cooking the food. The pail systems promote the use of boiling, which will save more nutrients, grease dribbles, marrow, and another good things that would be otherwise lost and deemed it in the liquid. All concoct sea in a survival statu should be drank as it will then impart these nutrients, additional calories, and hydration unto the imbiber.

These simple rolled advantages are what I feel weigh so ponderous in choosing a bucket system over a BSA style mess gear. They both can dish you well, and as said utterly use what works best for you, but it seems that the many real life uses of a pan over a wash highly add value to barrel the mechanisms and see them indispensable for wilderness living.

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