Free Prepping files

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.

The Coronavirus/ COVID-1 9 has caused a lot of chaos in recent weeks. Countries have closed their borders, governments have curtailed the movement of their citizens, and in the United Country, municipality mayors have curtailed beings from gathering in groups of more than 50( as of this time, March 16, 2020 ). In fact, just this afternoon, the mayor of San Francisco ordered a 3-week lockdown of the city. Whether or not you think this was a good move is immaterial, specially if you’re a resident there.

Only God knows what will happen in the coming weeks, but I believe it’s bound to get worse before it gets better.

You have a duty to your family and yourself to be prepared for coming affairs. Knowledge is power.

We came across this website of PDFs and documents which might be helpful to the prepping community. Whether it’s basic prepping, raising, how to garden, or even perform bleach from consortium disturbance, it’s full of free resources.

I’ve looked at a couple of documents now there are still, and they seem OK. A fortune of old. txt enters, some dating back to the 1990 s. We haven’t vetted any of this information other than look it over, as it was overtook along to us today, and we’re passing them along to you. The multitude website is a little out there, but if report is useful, we’ll take it.

Godspeed, and be prepared.

The post Free Prepping files emerged first on The Prepper Journal.

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