How Danner Boots Screwed the Laws of Physics

by Todd Walker

Inspection at school.

Frontal Zone Rule by dangling my paw over the log like enticement over the rail of a deep-sea fish boat.

Did Danner Defy Physics?

Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite action. Impels are involved in pairs. Each troop is of equal forte but in opposite attitude. Even though the two forces are equal, this does not mean that they will cancel each other and stop movement.

Nothing eludes the physical laws of nature except comic book superheroes. My Explorer boots reached Superman status after stopping a speeding ax.

Dan, a crony of mine, said I should bronze the boots and residence them on my drapery as a family heirloom. He has a good point. Even with the ax slouse, I still wear them to clas everyday to school traditional outdoor sciences. On weekends constructing my log cabin, they remain watertight and too cozy not to wear.

Boots still on the dirt in our outdoor classroom.

American Made Craftsmanship

I keep my working axes sharpened and shaving-sharp. The ax strike separated the inside advantage of my boot sole, surgically separating one stitch, and slicing the leather upper. I genuinely expected the contiguou seaming to begin to fail. Two and a half months of daily wear since the ax-ident and not a stitch has untangled. These Superman boots are built to last. Thanks to Danner’s superior, Made in America craftsmanship, my paw is not a nub!

Thank you, Danner!

Buy Once, Cry Once

” Price is what you salary and significance is what you get .”

~ Warren Buffet

Buying high quality boots is like old-fashioned window shopping. The item catches your nose. You actually require it. Then you hear the price tag. There’s no way you can pay that cost. But you still go out of your direction to walk past that space daily to get another look and dream of owning the thing.

Your desire hasn’t changed, you’re just not willing to pay the price.

Price is painful immediately but appreciate previous long-term. You experience, I missed a duo of high-quality, American-made boots, that could be resoled after many years of tramping in the groves. Even after the ax sliced my boot , not one sobbing went down my face. My foot is worth more than the price of these penalize boots! I’m a lifetime customer now. If Danner can’t re-craft the sliced leather upper, I’ll continue to wear them as a dispassionate remembrance while shaking axes.

Fit, Finish, Break-In

Opening the box and impounding these brand new boots spawned me smile. The strata were double-stitched with precision. One boast I like about these Explorers is the minimum amount of strata in the boot. This can only reduce the chances of leakage or snags when tramping through rough terrain and morass. Even the laces are made of quality material.

The Vibram sole clutches moisten and cool soil like a mummy gripping her son returning from campaign. The wide rubber sole lends stability and amazing traction. I often trim yearn husk off the priorities in logs where I’ll residence my foot when under bucking with my double fleck ax. This stair is not needed since I bought the Explorers. The aggressive steps prop my hoof in place securely on the bark. The only surface I’ve found they don’t control is freshly peeled inner pine bark( see above blooper video ). A mortal would need hobnail boots to stand on this slick trash!

Nature’s slippy slide

I stopped an aged duet of boots in my truck the first week I wore my Explorers. Never needed to use the spares. No hot spot on my heels or other suspected distres items I was usually feel from snug fitting skin boots. I frisked around with the fastening to fine tune the fit over that first week. The full-grain leather upper began mating to my feet like the soft wheeze of wool socks on a wintertime day. These rugged boots cherish my hoof and punish rocks and beginnings- even axes.

If you require a boot that can handle the rigors of house an off-grid log cabin, rugged backwoods escapades, and still look good at the role, pay the price and get yourself a pair of Explorers. If you crave lightweight, synthetic, Vegan friendly, foreign-made footwear, seem abroad. Danner Explorer full-grain leather boots are handcrafted from top to bottom in Portland, Oregon( Made in USA ).

One of my grandsons are able to obtain my Superman boots when I’m gone with the story of how they saved my paw that sizzling July day in Georgia.

Keep Doing the Stuff of Self-Reliance,

~ Todd

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