Have You Made an Area Threat and Asset Map?

Have “you’ve been” taken a delineate, a paper one, labelled your home’s location and been going through it with great care and made an area threat/ resource delineate? If “theres gonna be” an event of natural disasters, a SHTF event is there an earthen dam up-slope from your dwelling? A chemical flora that could be up-wind? A zoo or animal sanctuary in your vicinity, one with exotic animals? A confinement or jail? Half-way lives for sex offenders, drug rehab facilities?

This could be an excellent home preparedness practice – get everyone a delineate and give them relevant rules – first rating the exact places of all the things they would consider menaces. Then get together and get the “group speak” and stimulate each person explain their conclude for selecting something. Explain yours, make it an educating exercise.

Potential Threats

Things to consider as growing threat could be:

Chemical weeds/ refineries Power generating stations, extremely nuclear installation Zoos and animal refuges Dams and reservoirs Known protects for homeless, dose rehab, half-way lives for self-restrained exhaust of prisoners, imprisoned sex offenders sites Settlement camps for in-transit illegal immigrants Ocean, lagoon or waterway access Potential suffocated parts- connects out or patrolled by less than desirable’s; mountain passes, rivers prone to filling or flash flood neighborhoods An open national borders Areas where your home could be approached by stealth- timbers, woods, heavy touch Attractive nuisance’s- things that will bring unwanted close to your dwelling such as the above mentioned lumbers, a lagoon or other water supply, well traveled streets, and most all of this things listed below as resources

Understand that when producing facilities ignite in a catastrophe there is an opportunity render some deadly gases that need to be avoided. So near a factory you’ll take into account the substances used in their processing and information materials as well. Once you have this where you chiefly agree, do the same for assets.

Potential Assets

A caveat here- anything that we have been able to must be considered others will as well so any asset can become a possible spot for confrontation. That needs to be clear. That said, possible resources could be 😛 TAGEND

Fuel stored under dominance producing facilities Gas depots Stores- firearm supermarkets, food stores, convenience store, equipment places, pharmacies, camping afford hubs, RV midsts; think outside the box- naval afford accumulations will have radios, explosions, bullhorns, personal lighting water ship, medical paraphernalia’s, etc. National Guard armories Reservoirs, waterways, flows, flows Construction areas, specially large ones where missiles may have been used, some is likely to be be placed there; excavations as well Police Stations, hospices, fire stations Distribution facilities- menu, irrigate, hygiene products Community middles, elderly or assisted living equipment, recreational facilities- medical affords, hygiene and scavenge and sterility furnishes Schools?

Go through the same work with their own families as to what should and should not be added to your map. Once you have these planned out then you need to identify your locals roads of travel to and from assets, obstructing your interval from threats and scraping as numerous fail spots as is practicable. At a minimum the work requires give you a a greater understanding of where you live and what is really out there as well as your kids some practice in looking at a situation clinically. At a minimum it will acquire them better home hunters when they grow up. I still have nightmares about that 1,500 acre dairy farm I didn’t see five miles west before I bought my last house.

As we are all aware a little planning croaks a long way in all we do.

Things That Will Become Attractive

Hiking trail-head will be favorite ends for those planning to bug-out as to report to glitch in, as will any transportation hubs (train stations, airports, bus terminals) that may still be operating or that people imagine will operate; airfields are normal staging neighborhoods for FEMA in their disaster response, the first locales to generally get federal abet. Marinas are a good home to determine disaster renders and a plane to get out of dodge. While the golden horde may be a mad rush at first, think of the directions it will make- where are most of the people affected and where will they try and flee to. And while there may be a spate at first expect there to be congestion on these routes until things are over as people who decided to bug-in will run out of assets, have medical disasters, or be driven out by shells, inundates or looters.