Survival Gear for Short Term and Long-Term Survival

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.

Editor’s Note: A contribution to The Prepper Journal from James at the Prepper Broadcasting Network .

What are you Devising For?

In the survival and prepping life there are lots of jumble about what to prepare for. I don’t planned which major cataclysmic trouble, instead what, period and what areas to prepare for most.

Think about the difference in these two scenarios

Short Term Wilderness Survival

Long Term Urban Survival

The tools, skills and situations that one should prepare for in the wilderness can be very different from those you prepare for in an city survival place. For one thing, the human rights threat in a short-term wilderness survival situation is almost nonexistent.

However, in a long-term metropolitan existence scenario you are going to have to scheme exhaustively for the human menace. Understanding the variability in survival the status and what you are planning for will assure that you are efficient with your money and your time.

Short Term Survival

If you are preparing for short term survival you are looking to sustain yourself over a couple weeks at most. There are some basic things you need to consider, and you need the right tools to execute on these. Let’s look at some of the most wonderful survival paraphernalium to have for short term survival.


In a short-term existence situation spray is going to become an issue in about 24 hours. Sure, the narration is you will die in 3 daytimes without sea, but the truth is you will be feeling unbelievably disagreeable after about 24 hours without water.

To remedy this, you should have some sort of small-scale filter like a Sawyer Mini to get spray into your receptacle or bottle.


In short term survival you are going to depend on fire to assure you are heated and cool. If you are wet and cold in even reasonably cool positions, it is possible the end of you. Hypothermia will set in and you will die. This can happen amazingly rapid without refuge or fire.

The Any Weather Fire Kit by Self Reliance Outfitters is the answer to fire needs in all conditions. This package gives you several ardor answers 😛 TAGEND

Pathfinder HD6 Ferro Rod Pathfinder Multi-Fire Tool Pathfinder Mini Inferno Exotac Matchcap XL UCO Stormproof Matches

Pack a little dry tinder in your multitude and you cannot flunk with this kit.


In a short-term survival situation, you are able to invest in a high-quality tarp, some plastic stakes and excellence cordage to solve your short-term refuge questions. Of route, you need to know how to make a sanctuary with that tarp. This is a skill that is easily enough learned.

All weather coverings are the most economical options for this, and they also manifest heat back at you. There are large and more efficient alternatives, but these blankets can be used to spawn simple lean to shelters. You can even wrap yourself up completely and only overnight in the covering. Its not theme but it will obstruct you warm.

Long Term Survival

A long-term survival statu is going to require more robust existence gear. You are going to have to reach greater paces in all aspect’s existence. Let’s look at some of the survival gear you will crave on hand for a long-term survival situation.


You aren’t going to want to depend on that Sawyer Mini on the long term for large scale liquid sourcing. A big magnitude receptacle for steaming or something like a Katadyn hiker pro will give you the ability to filter more water, faster.

As far as menu is concerned, I would recommend packing some simple metal nets that can be used to catch substantial meat generators. The meat will prolong you better than other types of meat. A survival fish kit will be contributing a good deal as well.


You are going to need to process timber for many things. This could be for long term sanctuary or really firewood. To do this you are going to want at least three metal tools.

Axe Saw Strong Fixed Blade Knife


For long term survival situations, you are going to want something that is repeatable and efficient for thousands of ardors. That is going to be a sturdy ferro perch. Get yourself a 1-inch thick ferro rod that can take a beating and draw fervor after fire.

For long term survival you will likewise want to consider things like “next fire” attitude whatever it is you develop things like charcloth to get the next ardour started with ease.


One of the often-neglected parts of long-term survival is the means to end it. I represent relief. How do you get extricated if you cannot find your way out of a bad place? One of the most efficient methods for long term existence relief is having a signaling device.

Something like a better quality signaling mirror is going to make all the difference. This means you will be able to glitter light on the eyes of people in boats, aircrafts or even those on the neighboring ridge. This signaling machine could be the difference between life and death.


Since we are all on limited budgets and have limited time frames to devote to preparedness and survival its vitally important that we know what we are preparing for. It’s very easy to be persuasion by marketing and intend. Survival devices of all types abound.

It will always go back to the basics of survival. The only difference is going to be how long you must depend on the tools and skills you have. These should be comparable to the duration you are planning for. You don’t have to be a original buschrafter handled with a short-term place. Nonetheless, you better have some talents if you plan on being stuck in the timbers for a month or more.

Another tip is to start with short term survival and grow into the long term. Its nearly impossible to start off knowing how to survive for 3 months in the groves. You must build up to got to get. Make a little progress each day and it will go a long way.

Above all, stay focused.

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The post Survival Gear for Short Term and Long-Term Survival appeared first on The Prepper Journal.

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