What Can I Use for That?

Written by Wild Bill When I received a comment on denture ointment it got me “ve been thinking about” some practical worlds. Denture cream? Yes, and it offset impression, how does one make do when they run out of denture cream if it is something “they’re using” on a daily basis? Carrying fairly for 72 … Read more

7 Backyard Edible Weeds With Extraordinary Super Powers

Did you know your garden is hiding all sorts of nutritional and medicinal gems? From curing heartburn, cystitis and coughs to providing free protein, vitamins and minerals, common weeds have some truly amazing benefits. Sadly, most people simply dig them up, mow them down or kill them in various ways. Why not take a look at what’s really growing … Read more

Our First Year of Building Self-Reliance Skills at RISE Academy

by Todd Walker ~ ATAGEND Carving tent stakes. ~ ATAGEND How to safely chop kindling. ~ ATAGEND Cutting rounds for” incense and rub” spoons and bowls. Related Links 😛 TAGEND Knife Use and Safety Ax Tutorial for Beginners( video below) Outdoor Classroom Construction Early in the school year, we decided to build an outdoor classroom. … Read more

How to Mitigate the 6 Deadly Sins of Ax-Work

by Todd Walker ~ ATAGEND A screen shot from a recent video of an overhead limb which snagged my ax. Fell fairly trees and you’ll have one hang up mid-fall. My first strategy, if the tree backside didn’t liberation from the hinge, was an attempt free it from the stump. Some experiences the impact on … Read more

When Staying Awake Really Counts

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal. There are some people that we all depend upon to stay awake as others lives depend on it. And anyone who has served in the military has pulled guard duty. Caution! I may be about to give away some very guarded military secrets here. My first real … Read more

Campfire Cookery: How to Cook Tasty Meals Over an Open Fire

by Todd Walker Prepping a cook fire depends on what type of cookin’ you’ll be doing and the fuel available. In my area of Georgia, we have an abundance of hardwood to choose from. I’ll describe my experience with wood we burn. Not every area is as fortunate. That doesn’t mean you can’t cook up … Read more

Tuning the Gray Matter

by Leslie Hill A person might possess the most popular Swedish axe on the planet and tallied up countless hours on the YouTube watching bushcrafting axe videos, but if that person hasn’t gotten out and actually used it, they’d be no better than an armchair quarterback (and that’s putting it nicely). Okay, I know that … Read more