Prepping for the Big Freezes

There are all kinds of potentials that lead to various mini or full-fledged ice ages … nuclear and volcanic winters, solar grand minimum, Agenda 21, polar shifts, breakdown of the oceanic conveyor, asteroids, or a perfect storm of incidents. Some of them have happened, some not all that long ago, really. Some of them will … Read more

What You Don’t Know Can Harm You – Plant Safety

Along with flowers, sunshine and warmer temperatures, the spring season provides ample opportunity for families to spend time together outdoors. Unfortunately, spring play could mean that young children are exposed to poisonous plants and pesticides. Whether strolling through the park or romping in the backyard, there are a number of things that parents and caretakers … Read more

What is Your Self-Quarantine Plan?

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal. With much of the U.S. determine itself in increasing lockdowns due to the Coronavirus and COVID-1 9, and many countries in a ended lockdown, we reflected such articles from 2014 would be worth re-publishing.We’re still meet a lot of people who are ignoring basic self-distancing protocols and … Read more

Have You Made an Area Threat and Asset Map?

Have “you’ve been” taken a delineate, a paper one, labelled your home’s location and been going through it with great care and made an area threat/ resource delineate? If “theres gonna be” an event of natural disasters, a SHTF event is there an earthen dam up-slope from your dwelling? A chemical flora that could be … Read more

Free Prepping files

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal. The Coronavirus/ COVID-1 9 has caused a lot of chaos in recent weeks. Countries have closed their borders, governments have curtailed the movement of their citizens, and in the United Country, municipality mayors have curtailed beings from gathering in groups of more than 50( as of this … Read more

Arizona 2nd Amendment News

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal. Virginia Democrats:” We’re passing the most draconian anti-gun measures in the society !” Arizona Democrat:” Hold my brew !” Well, the madness( and Bloomberg’s money) has come from the East coast to try and worm its mode into Arizona. This isn’t the first time we’ve meet anti-gun … Read more