Are We Spinning Out of Control?

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal. I affixed last week on having a positive outlook at our current world so now, for the flip side. I have often wondered if we as a parties actually appreciate what our benefactors went through. In 1776 our forefathers and sisters had to come to grips with … Read more

Snap Caps: Training Anywhere, Anytime for Anyone

Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal. Beginner or boosted crap-shooter, incorporating baked fuel in qualify can help us improve. There is the potential that we can damage our handguns with undue cool firing on evacuate chambers, though. Snap caps are inert rounds that remove the risks by providing a variety of soft-plexi … Read more

Survive and Thrive, in Spite of the Media

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal. It’s a jungle out there! Yep, that’s the entitle of a song by Randy Newman. In one of the lines, he sings “there’s confusion everywhere , no one seems to care.” Indeed, to survive, you have to be smart, very smart. The Poisonous Cocktail Look around; people … Read more

What Was it You Said Was Too Difficult?

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal. I received this over the Memorial Day weekend and determined it a short, inspirational narration of resolve. One worth sharing. I am sure such fibs happen often everywhere, they revamp our notions in each other. I have announced it below unedited, as I don’t see any path … Read more

Shooting Tactics and Training: Practice Practicality

Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal. Static square strays and races are often the only handgun pattern available to preppers. Sometimes, those square straddles and competitors- and even courses- actively or inadvertently build hazardous mindsets, garbs, and complacency. Knowing it, we can amend our maintenance and rule to get the most out … Read more

A Preppers Guide on How to Catch Fish for Food

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal. Fishing is a popular pastime for tens of millions of people. However, this recreational pleasure — often seen as a great way to enjoy a laid-back day off work — derives from authentic food-gathering rehearses from contemporaries ago. Catching fish to survive is a practice still in … Read more