When Barter for Items Are Not in Your Prepping Budget

We have all checked various categories of apocalyptic movies where commerce is reduced to the aged tried and true procedure of barter and in those panoramas the exchange is always tense and fraught with threat. These likeness give the preppers mind something to mull. If the working papers and electronic currency we all use today … Read more

Have You Made an Area Threat and Asset Map?

Have “you’ve been” taken a delineate, a paper one, labelled your home’s location and been going through it with great care and made an area threat/ resource delineate? If “theres gonna be” an event of natural disasters, a SHTF event is there an earthen dam up-slope from your dwelling? A chemical flora that could be … Read more

Free Prepping files

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal. The Coronavirus/ COVID-1 9 has caused a lot of chaos in recent weeks. Countries have closed their borders, governments have curtailed the movement of their citizens, and in the United Country, municipality mayors have curtailed beings from gathering in groups of more than 50( as of this … Read more

How to Deal with Mosquitoes Without Using Chemicals

Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal. Editor’s note: Post by guest contributor Jenna King — Wild Bill Traveling off the grid is an incredible way to enjoy nature. The sees and odors of native embeds and wildflowers are hard to ignore. But those aromas likewise entice nature’s worst. Whether you’re hiking through woodlands … Read more


Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal. Editor’s note: This is the last in the series of articles by guest generator Kyt Lyn Walken on tracking and its applicability to prepping. — Wild Bill In the previous article we learned some of the” tools of the craft” for the Art of Tracking, and we … Read more

The Mental Health Benefits of High Concentration Sports

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal. As you know The Prepper Journal often doesn’t republish previously published commodities, but every so often we come across some that truly add value to our partisans and warrant further showing. And with the “internet” being like the universe, ever expanding in all directions, some priceless material … Read more

Prepare for Disaster with a Portable Generator

Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal. Living or working in a disaster-prone area always requires that you be prepared for the most difficult. When environmental disasters strikes, you might not have the time to take the liberty recuperative criteria if you were ill cooked. It is vital that you have an electric portable … Read more

Modern Minuteman – Yes-No-Maybe Skillsets Vol. 2

Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal. Many aspects of the Modern Minuteman toolbox apply to preparedness in general, nonetheless personal and small-scale or widespread and earth shaking our pet calamities is also available. As with overall preparedness, our exact situation and our promises of disaster scenarios affects what we prioritize for our … Read more