The Best Furniture Options for Your Bunker

Every serious prepper knows that their bunker has to be functional and long-lasting. Not only do you need enough supplies to last a decade or longer, you need quality furniture options that can function in a multitude of ways to make the most of your space. Today we are looking at some furniture ideas that … Read more

Prepping for the Big Freezes

There are all kinds of potentials that lead to various mini or full-fledged ice ages … nuclear and volcanic winters, solar grand minimum, Agenda 21, polar shifts, breakdown of the oceanic conveyor, asteroids, or a perfect storm of incidents. Some of them have happened, some not all that long ago, really. Some of them will … Read more

Flat-lander or Climber?

I for one can claim to have climbed Half-Dome in Yosemite National Park. In reality I came up the back-path which has a steel cable line up that you can tether or steady yourself with. I did not climb the sheer face, which has been conquered by blind climbers and handicapped climbers of all stripes. … Read more

What You Don’t Know Can Harm You – Plant Safety

Along with flowers, sunshine and warmer temperatures, the spring season provides ample opportunity for families to spend time together outdoors. Unfortunately, spring play could mean that young children are exposed to poisonous plants and pesticides. Whether strolling through the park or romping in the backyard, there are a number of things that parents and caretakers … Read more

What is Your Self-Quarantine Plan?

Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal. With much of the U.S. determine itself in increasing lockdowns due to the Coronavirus and COVID-1 9, and many countries in a ended lockdown, we reflected such articles from 2014 would be worth re-publishing.We’re still meet a lot of people who are ignoring basic self-distancing protocols and … Read more

When Barter for Items Are Not in Your Prepping Budget

We have all checked various categories of apocalyptic movies where commerce is reduced to the aged tried and true procedure of barter and in those panoramas the exchange is always tense and fraught with threat. These likeness give the preppers mind something to mull. If the working papers and electronic currency we all use today … Read more