Survival Tips – The Best Emergency Food Kit

Who knows what the future holds? If we knew, day to day, what challenges would grow, we would never be caught in a bad situation. Those who prefer to look forward and shape preparations for the “just in case” scenarios are often painted as fringe madmen and doomsday preppers. However, making the best emergency food … Read more

8 People Sealed Inside This Fake Mars Colony for 2 Years — Here’s What Really Happened Inside

  Katja Schulz / Flickr   A decade before Elon Musk founded his fast-rising rocket company, SpaceX, or ever spoke publicly about colonizing Mars, a different billionaire captivated the world with Biosphere 2. Oil tycoon Ed Bass spent about $250 million to build and operate that facility as a proof-of-concept for a permanent, self-sustaining habitat on Mars. … Read more